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About the Artwork

Lot No : 48
Medium : Acrylic on canvas
Size : 36 x 36 in.
Estimate : Contact for price.
Provenance: From the Estate of Rustom Hormuzdiyar
Signed : Lower Right
Year Of Painting : 1996
Artist Image

About the Artist

Shilpa Nikam, born in 1970 has a BFA and MFA from Sir JJ School of Art, Mumbai, and has had several solos and group shows to her credit. A migrant from Jafrabad, Gujarat following a natural calamity which she and her family were unable to overcome, depicts an emotional rendition in her works sensitizing the trial and tribulations of the lives of people suffering a similar fate. Balancing abstract and figurative forms of narration, her steely grit and determination to tide over all odds inspire and breathes life into her works. As mediums, she has dabbled in canvas, paper, terracotta, and wood, creating magic with techniques such as pigment layering, cuts, dabs, and tears which are at times deliberate and at times unplanned.

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