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About the Artwork

Price: INR 25,000 + GST

Medium : Acrylic on canvas
Size : 40 x 30 in
Artist Image

About the Artist

Aastikya has received his Diploma at The Florence Academy of Art- Intensive Drawing and Painting(2016-17). His work was displayed at International Art Exhibition, Budapest, Hungary(2017), Goa Affordable Art Fest(2017-18), The Pune Art Festival(2018), a solo exhibit at Janm, Indore(2018) and was also a part of a group show Rang Anand, Indore(2018). In this painting Aastikya portrays the idea of division of society and varying personalities in them. This abstract painting attempted by the artist shows various personalities into their respective boxes, although different, flowing in perfect harmony in a whole.

Hotel Yatrik