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About the Artwork

Medium : Acrylic on canvas
Size : 24" x 24"
Provenance: The Artist
Artist Image

Brimming with confidence, Farhad Hussain's paintings are a melange of vibrant colours. A 2003 graduate from Shanti Niketan, Hussain went on to complete his postgraduate diploma from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Baroda in 2005. Farhad's bases his works on the realities of human relationships and their subtle complexities. While his earlier works were less complex the seed of his current work was sown then. The artist was the 2004 recipient of the Nasreen Mohamedi scholarship. The Indian Art College Art Exhibition has also awarded him the prize for best watercolour in 1998. Farhad has participated in several group shows in Baroda, Mumbai and Kolkata.