Parvathi Nayyar (Tamil Nadu)
About Artist
Parvathi Nayyar completed her Bachelor’s program at Stella Maris College, Chennai and earned her Masters in Fine Art from Central St Martins College of Art and Design in London on a Chevening scholarship. She currently bases her studio in Chennai, after having lived and created art in cities such as Singapore, London, and Jakarta. Parvathi's art addresses various interactions with our environment, reflecting on urban memory and sustainability. Parvathi’s works have been featured in notable solo and group exhibitions worldwide, including the Kochi Muziris Biennale, The Chennai Photo Biennale, the CPB Biennale in Jakarta, the Singapore Art Museum, and the ‘We Are Ocean’ programs in Europe. She has also pioneered the form of ‘drawn sculpture,’ exemplified by her 20-foot-high 3D drawing titled ‘A Story of Flight’ at the JayaHe art program, Mumbai international airport. In addition to her artistic practice, Parvathi is a poet, fiction writer, and features correspondent. She has written extensively on the arts for publications like National Geographic, The Hindu, The Business Times (Singapore), and The Jakarta Post. Her TEDx talk, ‘Seeing the World Through Different Lenses’ (2016), reflects her role as a public speaker.Artwork