Jaya Baheti (Maharashtra)
About Artist
She excels in amalgamating into her work the very core roots of her Indian connection and at the same time she is able to reach out to the contemporary relevance/stance with equal finesse and grace. This medley of traditional and modern is perhaps the hallmark of her personal connotation and stylistic charm. Her works remind one of Indian traditional paintings, there is a quintessence/reflection of the age old cultural/traditional extravagance. Our ancestors had affectionately included the flora, fauna and other natural elements in every aspect of their life. This gets reflected in our mythological characters, folk lore, songs and paintings. Similarly, there is a frequent mention of various creatures in Jaya's works such as the cow, fish, plant, elephant, man and woman whoaltogether weave an allegory. The varied forms fit together into the works like the pieces from a jig saw puzzle that were destined to come together to complete the picture.Artwork